When making a charitable gift to a nonprofit organization, it is vital the legal name of the charity, city and other identifying details be used. To name Lehigh University in your will or trust please use the following suggested language:
A general bequest
“I give (a specific asset) or (_____% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate) to Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, PA, for its general use and purposes.”
A bequest for a specific purpose
“I give ($_________) or (a specific asset) or (_____% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate) to Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, PA, to be used for the following purpose: (for example, to establish a scholarship fund or support an academic program).”
Statement of restrictions
If you wish to restrict your bequest provision in order to establish a fund for a specific purpose—such as an endowed scholarship fund—we ask that you include the following in your provision language:
“This fund is to establish an endowment fund to be known as (name of fund), the income from which to be used for (state purpose). In the event that the Board of Trustees of the University determines, in its sole discretion, that conditions render impractical or undesirable the use to which the income from the Fund is then devoted, such Board of Trustees may devote the income to such other purposes as in their judgment will perpetuate the desires of the Donor and will further the educational effectiveness of the University.”
It is important to notify Lehigh University of the specifics of this transaction (stock name, share quantity, gift designation) so we can credit your gift appropriately. Please contact us at (610) 758-4749 or intower@lehigh.edu.
Please contact your plan provider for a change of beneficiary form. Once you have filled out the form, please send a copy to 306 S. New Street, Suite 500, Bethlehem PA, 18015.
Legal name: Lehigh University
Tax ID number: 24-0795445
Address: 27 Memorial Drive West
Bethlehem, PA 18015-3086
Thank you for helping your client with their charitable planning. As a professional advisor, you build your client relationships on trust and mutual respect. The same is true for our relationships with our friends and donors.
We understand that financial, philanthropic and estate goals are unique to the individual. For this reason we welcome the opportunity to assist as you incorporate your clients' philanthropic objectives into wellcrafted estate plans. Furthermore, we encourage prospective donors to consult with their professional advisors before making decisions based on information we provide.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call (610) 758-4749 or email intower@lehigh.edu.
Disclosure: This information is not intended as legal advice. For more specific advice, please consult your attorney or financial adviser.
© Planned Giving Marketing. This document is informational and educational in nature. It is not offering professional tax, legal, or accounting advice. For specific advice about the effect of any planning concept on your tax or financial situation or with your estate, please consult a qualified professional advisor.